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evolutionQ Introduces BasejumpQDN™ Quantum Delivery Network Technology for Secure Networks

By IQT News posted 04 May 2021

(PRWeb) evolutionQ announces the launch of BasejumpQDN, a quantum-safe software product that allows organizations who are building a network based on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) devices to easily deploy and cost-effectively manage quantum technologies throughout their network.
evolutionQ’s BasejumpQDN enables organizations to overcome the difficulties and limitations normally associated with QKD networks. A quantum link is limited to a few hundred kilometers over optical fiber; BasejumpQDN sets up trusted nodes between quantum links, thereby permitting a network to grow and expand beyond these distance limitations. Organizations that want to extend their quantum network even further using QKD satellite technologies can install BasejumpQDN to help seamlessly integrate their land-based fiber networks with a QKD service provider and simplify the task of managing a sprawling quantum network.
evolutionQ is targeting BasejumpQDN for large enterprises, such as financial institutions, telecommunications providers, and government agencies with a need to grow their quantum-safe network capabilities while taking advantage of new innovations and cost reductions in the QKD device market as they occur. BasejumpQDN can help ensure, for example, that sensitive network communication data is safe from eavesdropping by future quantum computers for organizations with data privacy requirements that are looking to layer quantum security features onto their network for a defense-in-depth security approach.
“New quantum networking technologies are being introduced to the market at a rapidly accelerating pace. Product choices are expanding and costs are becoming more competitive,” said evolutionQ CTO and Co-Founder Norbert Lütkenhaus. “Customers building quantum-safe features into their network want to take advantage of this competitive market over time and not be locked into any particular quantum hardware platform. Our product allows our customers to future-proof their network – protecting against quantum threats now – and better manage their ongoing costs with a platform that allows mixing of quantum devices and interchanging them over time.”

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