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ZDNet: IBM Combining Security & Hybrid Cloud Knowhow with Quantum Computing Research

By IQT News posted 02 Dec 2020

(ZD.NET) IBM Cloud said it will offer cryptography technology that will be futureproofed for quantum computing deployments.
Big Blue, which is among the key players in the quantum computing race, launched Quantum Safe Cryptography for Key Management and Application Transactions.
IBM’s bet is that it can combine its security and hybrid cloud knowhow with its quantum computing research.
These services will support the following:
IBM Key Protect and for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud;
IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service;
IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Crypto Services.
The quantum security efforts add to IBM’s existing portfolio including confidential computing, IBM Cloud Data Shield, research and IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center.

Click to read IBM’s Formal Press Release “IBM Cloud Delivers Quantum-Safe Cryptography and Hyper Protect Crypto Services to Help Protect Data in the Hybrid Era” here:

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