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Whether Quantum Computing in a Rapidly Digitising Australia?

By IQT News posted 08 Jul 2020

(SecurityBoulevard.au) The real revolution in Australia is occurring in the background, in the quantum computing sphere. Tech-hungry Australians have embraced digital technology with gusto; incorporating devices and apps into multiple aspects of their professional and personal lives.
In Australia and around the world, quantum computing research is unleashing utterly extraordinary processing power that will solve the intractable scientific conundrums of yesteryear and drive social and economic transformation in the decades to come.
Use cases are emerging across a range of industries. In the transport sector, quantum computing is contributing to the development of self-driving technologies, while in the logistics sphere, it has the potential to deliver enhanced efficiencies up and down the most complex of supply chains.
For many other industries and enterprises, it may be still too early to tell.
The question of whether conventional computing’s days are numbered, its dominance poised to be toppled by next generation technology, is also a reasonable one, given the vast disparity in processing power and output between the old and the new. What appears more likely is the co-existence of the two technologies in a hybrid model – basic processing and computing tasks still the remit of the conventional computer, and exponential tasks undertaken by quantum qubit machines.

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