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U.S. Department of Defense Forging a Blockchain Cybersecurity Shield Integrating Cloud, Quantum & AI

By IQT News posted 09 Aug 2019

(CoinDesk.com)  The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is looking to forge a blockchain cybersecurity shield.
In a report published on July 12 titled Digital Modernization Strategy, the DoD outlined several ways to advance the nation’s digital defenses. This includes the integration of cloud and quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and improved communications through distributed ledgers.
The shift from “low value to high-value work” is also part of the DoDs’ Big Data Platform (BDP), which will handle petabytes of data involved in a number of cross-agency projects. The platform “provides the ability to perform aggregation, correlation, historical trending,” and may perform pattern recognition to “predict attacks.”

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