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Quantum Computing Goes to Washington

By IQT News posted 31 Dec 2018

(WSJ) Congress in late 2018 passed a bipartisan bill aimed at speeding U.S. development of the emerging technology of quantum computing. The Wall Street Journal’s John D. McKinnon repored that even Washington recognizes in quantum technology a potential to drive economic growth and address, according to a recent administration paper, “the nation’s most pressing national security concerns.”
Much of the motivation behind the vote concerned addressing China’s recent efforts in the field. China has been making strides in quantum computing research recently. There is nothing like a tech competition between two nations to spur innovation.
The legislation authorizes coordination efforts centered in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to support and promote the technology. It establishes Energy Department national research centers with five-year allocations of up to $25 million per center per year.

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