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NCSU is IBM’s Newest Q Hub

By IQT News posted 07 Jun 2019

(News.NCSU) IBM’s newest Q Hub at North Carolina State gives students and faculty access to next-generation systems. “Quantum computing is a subject that’s not going to go away,” said Patrick Dreher, chief scientist of the Q Hub at NC State and a research professor in the department of computer science. “And we believe this is a game changer in terms of putting NC State in a leadership position in the interdisciplinary development of it.”
“Academic collaborations are essential to growing the quantum computing community as we look to discover practical quantum applications and drive business and scientific breakthroughs,” said Bob Sutor, vice president of IBM Q Strategy and Ecosystem, IBM Research. “Building on a 30-year research and education partnership, NC State will play a key role in helping IBM continue to extend our quantum computing ecosystem.”

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