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India’s QNu Labs Using Quantum Cryptography to Obfuscate Data & Fight Hackers

By IQT News posted 02 May 2019

(YourStory.com) QNu Labs, a startup from Bengaluru, India is using quantum cryptography to obfuscate data and provides keys to fight hackers. “Quantum cryptography uses photon light, or Qbits, to ensure that the data is protected and that the keys are constantly changing for any attacker to open a piece of information,” explains Sunil Gupta, Co-Founder and CEO of QNu Labs.
The story of QNu Labs began in 2015 when the Government of India asked technology stalwarts to build a new level of data security using photon lights. The company did not want to divulge its investment numbers. But the founders did share that they spent the first two years just building the technology. Now it has five potential clients and a business revenue pipeline of Rs 12 crore.
QNu’s website explains its technology in these terms: “Quantum Key Distribution uses quantum physics to secure the distribution of symmetric encryption keys. It works by sending photons, quantum particles of light, across an optical link. The Principles of Quantum Mechanics stipulate that any observation causes perturbation. So any interference or intrusion is detected and reported.” Further in the QNu ABOUT, the company explains “We are in the business of future-proofing encryption through Quantum Technologies.”

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