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IBM’s New Quantum Computer Milestone of 64

By IQT News posted 21 Aug 2020

(ZDnet) IBM on Thursday announced it’s reached a new quantum computing milestone, hitting its highest Quantum Volume to date. Using a 27-qubit client-deployed system, IBM achieved a Quantum Volume of 64.
Quantum Volume is a metric that determines how powerful a quantum computer is. It measures the length and complexity of quantum circuits, the building blocks of quantum applications. Just two months ago, Honeywell similarly announced it had a quantum computer running client jobs with a Quantum Volume of 64. Honeywell reached the milestone with just a 6-qubit system.
IBM’s previous Quantum Volume milestone, announced in January, was 32. IBM said it achieved its improved results with a set of techniques that leveraged hardware to optimally run the quantum volume circuits. The methods should improve any quantum circuit run on any IBM Quantum system, the company said. They’ll be available in upcoming releases to the IBM Cloud software services, as well as the cross-platform open source software development kit (SDK) Qiskit.
ZDNet’s Stephanie Condon references that IBM’s achievement of the Quantum Volume of 64 in one of its client-deployed systems puts it on par with a Honeywell quantum computer.

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