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A Hitchhiking Cat’s Guide to Career Options in Quantum Computing

By IQT News posted 08 Jul 2019

(Medium.com) A whimsical title but a informative discussion by Jay Gambetta, a PhD in theoretical quantum physics, who discusses the contemporary path to working in quantum computing. He points out that the career options were limited when he started–but now there are many entry paths. These paths involve specialties that include various types of researchers, architects, theorists, developers, designers, and community builders. Gambetta is on the IBM Q team of experts.
Gambetta shares the evolution of quantum computing moving from exploring the fundamental science of quantum information to, more recently, showing that it’s possible to build a quantum computer and make it available for free via the cloud. We refer to this as the transition from quantum science to quantum ready. There are now many reasonably defined parts of the system that need a rigorous focus to come together.
Ways to get involved in quantum computing:
Get involved in the open source community (and become known!);
Apply for an opportunity in a quantum group at IBM;
Reach out and talk to a quantum expert.

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