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Bitcoin Core Developer Says Current Bitcoin Protocol is Not Quantum-Proof

By IQT News posted 31 May 2019

(CryptoGlobe) Dr. William Casarin, a Haskell and Rush computer programmer, has suggested not using taproot (or at least carefully considering the implications), a recently published Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) that aims to enhance the leading cryptocurrency’s privacy and overall network efficiency. He also questioned why the Bitcoin (BTC) protocol developers would integrate the “complicated script validation logic” associated with BIP-Taproot as the cryptocurrency’s codebase “might be insecure in 30 years” from now.
According to prominent Bitcoin Core developer Dr. Pieter Wuille, hashing public keys “doesn’t add any security.” Wuille, co-founder at Blockstream, added that “the widely repeated claim that it protects against quantum computers is nonsense.” He also clarified that “anyone who ever reused an address, or shared an xpub (or used Electrum) has their pubkeys already public.”
According to Casarin, the only way Bitcoin would manage to survive is if users were aware of the fact that they can “at least move to quantum secure outputs.”

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