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A More Quantum-Literate Workforce Is Needed; Guidelines Suggested in New Study

By IQT News posted 19 Nov 2020

(TechRepublic) A new study is providing guidelines for how colleges and universities can update their curricula to incorporate quantum computing to prepare for the expected wave of jobs.
Researchers from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and the University of Colorado Boulder suggested steps that need to be taken after interviewing managers at more than 20 quantum technology companies in the US.
The finding from the interviews is that those graduating with bachelor’s degrees in physics may lack the skills they need to enter the quantum workforce, RIT said. Changing that, the researchers said, could completely alter how physics courses are taught and help make the subject relevant to a new generation of students.
The researchers found that while the companies still seek employees with traditional STEM degrees, they want the candidates to understand fundamental concepts in quantum information science and technology.

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