Inside Quantum Technology

Where is Israel in US-China Quantum Supremacy Race?

(JerusalemPost) The US and China are in a race to see who will dominate the quantum computing and other quantum technology sectors. Some analysts have said that whichever country wins the race will have potentially revolutionary advantage in both the military and economic sectors.
The theme of a recent Zoom conference at the University of Maryland/Israel Development Center “How Quantum Computing Will Revolutionize the World: Maryland and Israeli Experts Weigh In”.
Dr. David Tal, who heads the Israel National Quantum Initiative, noted during the event that the US has put a ban on the export of various kinds of quantum technologies to China and the Chinese are responding in kind.
According to David, there has been ongoing research cooperation in the academic sector between Israel and China in the quantum sector and some cooperation in the business sector.
He explained it was Israel’s general approach to encourage as much cooperation as possible given the complexity of the challenges.

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