US Congressional Research Service Says China the Strongest Competitor in Cutting-Edge Military Technologies Such as AI & Quantum Computing
(MilitaryAerospace) China is the strongest competitor to U.S. cutting-edge military technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing, says a report to Congress.
The report, “Emerging Military Technologies: Background and Issues for Congress” by the US Congressional Research Service, says the U.S. was the leader in developing many of these advanced technologies, yet China and Russia are making steady progress.
“China is widely viewed as the United States’ closest competitor in the international AI market. Recent Chinese achievements in the field demonstrate China’s potential to realize its goals for AI development. Such technologies could be used to counter espionage and aid military targeting,” says the report, which was released last month.
China has been pouring millions of dollars into researching and developing future warfare technologies like AI and quantum computing for years, at a time when the Trump administration has reined-in spending.