Inside Quantum Technology

The Quantum Dragonpool

I’m all for using superheroes to explain stuff, and who better to represent quantum — which counts “bullshit” as official jargon — than the most profane superhero of them all: Deadpool? And, of course, you can capitalize on the recent success of the Deadpool & Wolverine movie by throwing the latter in there, too.


David Gunnarson of Bluefors, Per Olaf Hedekvist of Rise, and Hermanni Heimonen of IQM will be speaking at the forthcoming IQT Nordics taking place in Gothenburg, Sweden May 20-22, 2025. IQT Nordics rotates annually amongst Denmark, Finland and Sweden and is the largest Quantum Computing event in the Scandinavian region. Additional information about sponsoring or registering can be found at

Zapata AI Job Seekers

If you were laid off by Zapata AI and would like a free listing in this newsletter, please reach out and let me know. I’ll maintain a list in The Quantum Dragon until everyone on the list has been gainfully employed elsewhere or is otherwise no longer actively job seeking. I might extend this offer to all job seekers, but I’ll start with these layoffs.

“Quantum computing creates quantum profits. They collapse the moment you try to observe them. :-)”

Unattributed Joke of the Week

The joke above came from Twitter, but the tweeter did not attribute it properly. I can’t give credit to the individual who doesn’t deserve the credit, but I also don’t know who deserves the proper credit. I did a search for it on YouTube, where it supposedly originated, and the search results certainly justify the comment.

Maximum Effort

This Science ABC video was probably sponsored by Google Quantum AI, but it’s got Deadpool, Wolverine, and chess, and that’s hard to ignore. I haven’t studied psychology or sociology, but it’s remarkable that the 2019 “supremacy” claim persists to this day, especially considering it was debunked almost immediately.

The Day Tomorrow Began

Despite its name, this video has nothing to do with any wacky time travel themes. Instead, this University of Chicago video is part history lesson, part marketing pitch. It works. It kind of makes me want to go to Chicago. I think I’ll wait until it’s summertime, though. This link might require a Twitter account.

Quantum Propaganda Advantage

Russia announced a 50-atom ‘puter but it’s on a propaganda site, so what can we believe? Well, I found and have requested access to 2 Russian portals, so we’ll see what happens. One hilarious discovery thus far is that both portals request “consent to the processing of personal data.”

Physicists Teleport Bullshit Through “Wormhole”!

Thanks, Dulwich Quantum Computing! I missed this article when it was first published a year ago, but I kind of have to include it just based on its title and its tone. Plus, it seems fitting to revisit that controversy after recently enduring Google Quantum AI’s fresh controversies over the multiverse, etc. I’m noticing a trend….

The Quantum Firestorm

DC Comics’ Firestorm is the fusion of two individuals, forming one superhero. Similarly, Q-CTRL has fused two distinct protocols—teleportation and error detection—into a singular, more capable protocol. I’ve used both protocols individually, and I’m a little surprised I never thought to combine them myself.

LinkedIn Quantum Top Voices 2025

Barcelona bqb is once again looking to recognize LinkedIn’s top quantum voices. You can nominate yourself or someone you know simply by commenting a name on the post. The best part of acceptance is the secret virtual clubhouse, which I’ve enjoyed since 2022, the inaugural year. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

I have a bridge to sell you.

Automatski announced that it is accepting pre-orders for its 1,000-logical-qubit gate-based quantum computer, and I want one! Why? Because it shines a giant satirical spotlight on all the companies that are selling hype. The key takeaway from this obvious bullshit is that too many people are buying less-than-obvious bullshit.

Quantum technology crash course 6: Quantum sensing

How could you possibly invoke alchemy to explain quantum sensing applications for chemistry? Mark McGuire somehow figured it out. He doesn’t just provide a textual explanation, either; the AI-generated image is sure to grab your attention if you accidentally skim past the analogy.

In a Science Slam, participants get 5-6 minutes to present their research in the most engaging and innovative ways possible.

Call For Science Slammers

I’ve never heard of a science slam before, but I’m all for engagement and innovation: comedy, slideshows, songs, poetry… it’s all good. Quantum Social Lab and PushQuantum even provide an example to emulate. According to the LinkedIn post, the winner will receive quantum swag.

Max Planck was a failure.

Of course, he wasn’t, but Prof. Chris Ferrie points out that he wouldn’t get tenure today given current academic standards. If it’s any consolation, he could apparently earn a modest living today by auctioning off his papers. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

Quantum Noise Detector

Alan Ho and Prof. Michael Biercuk inspired the Resuscitated Quantum Bullshit Detector, but the original(?) has resurfaced on Bluesky. It’s back to reposting a simple “bullshit” or “not bullshit,” so The Quantum Dragon will continue to monitor for challenges, controversies, and debates under this new name from Dr. Bob Sutor.

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