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The Killing Form Quantum Dragon

Surely, you can do better than this.

The Killing Form Quantum Dragon
By Brian Siegelwax posted 27 Jan 2025

Quantum Formalism recently held a “Jokes with Lie” contest, and the winning submission by Jamie Gill invoked Lie Algebra’s Killing Form. The dragon above was the best I could do with it, so surely you can do better. Submit your meme to Bambordé Baldé, include the winning joke and a dragon, and let’s see who wins.


The third annual IQT Nordics taking place May 20-22 in Gothenburg, Sweden has announced three additional speakers: Pavel Kalinin of Infinity NL, Piia Konstari from VTT and Peter Lodahl of Sparrow Quantum. Information about sponsoring for the largest quantum computing event in the Scandinavian region can be found at www.iqtevent.com.

Zapata AI Job Seekers

If you were laid off by Zapata AI and would like a free listing in this newsletter, please reach out and let me know. I’ll maintain a list in The Quantum Dragon until everyone on the list has been gainfully employed elsewhere or is otherwise no longer actively job seeking. I might extend this offer to all job seekers, but I’ll start with these layoffs.

2025 is NOT the Quantum Year — This is

Prof. Chris Ferrie condensed 125 years of quantum physics into a single calendar year. The timeline is broken down into 7 color-coded eras and 6 color-coded thematic categories, and major milestones are indicated by a star. This link should NOT require a Medium account.

FREE Intermediate Course!

Starting on February 4, Christian Ventura Meinersen and Fer Grooteman will be teaching a 4-week course on quantum computing using Quantum Inspire and QuTech hardware. It seems introductory to me, but it says intermediate, so be advised accordingly. You can earn a certificate, or you can audit this 4-week course for free.

We don’t know, Mike.

Mike Kilroy of HKA Marketing Communications sums up the timeline until commercially useful quantum computing with this one sentence. How can projections possibly vary from early 2025 to never? The answer is simple: we don’t know. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

Schrödinger cat states of a nuclear spin qudit in silicon

This video is absolutely hilarious. It’s also educational blah, blah, blah, featuring Prof. Andrea Morello and his USNW team. You have to wait about 80 seconds for the first comedic element, and the biggest laugh is about 100 seconds in, but who expects Schrödinger cat to still be funny at all after hearing it hundreds of times?

How to Raise Money for Your Quantum Company

Russ Fein didn’t leave us hanging. The Quantum Dragon included part 1 of this 2-part series last week, and this link is to part 2. I highly recommend following Mr. Fein’s advice, because it must be much easier than trying to steal a red dragon’s treasure. For one, it breathes fire. For two, it and its treasure are imaginary.

“In a sense, the physical realization of a quantum computer is an automated ‘scatterometry’ of quantum logic gates.” – Onri Jay Benally


There are a lot of free resources out there, but I’ve never seen anything like this. Would you like to learn anything about quantum computing hardware? I highly suggest you start here. I don’t know what might be missing from it, but I just keep scrolling and scrolling through images, links, and information.

Quantum Computer CAPTCHA

Look at my profile image and then look at this CAPTCHA by Kate Balabanovich, and you’ll see why I would never pass. I could ask The Quantum Dragon for help, but I don’t think he would do any better. Thanks to Mark McGuire for drawing my attention to this. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

QML, what is it good for?

I agree with Dr. Diego Emilio Serrano, and I’ll add one point. I once heard a PhD “QML” Researcher say, “we don’t know how neural networks work.” I’m an ice cream chef with a political science degree, and I know how neural networks work. I ignore “QML” because I worked on ML first. This link might require a LinkedIn account.

IQT News Exclusive: Microsoft and Atom Computing have entangled 24 logical qubits and are offering a state-of-the-art quantum machine

Recently, Microsoft announced that they have achieved promising results by applying their qubit-virtualization system to Atom Computing’s neutral-atom qubits. The teams created 24 logical qubits and entangled them in a complex arrangement known as a cat state, or Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state. They Continue reading….

Open Quantum Design

If Infleqtion’s Superstaq and QuEra’s Bloqade had a baby, it might look like this. If they added one layer of abstraction, you could see the quantum circuit that you’d submit to Superstaq. But the evolution reminds me more of Bloqade than Superstaq. But then the histogram reminds me more of Superstaq once again.

Quantum computing in the financial sector: 2024 trends in review

I count 61 links in this article by Moody’s Analytics to news stories from 2024 that mentioned the financial sector or financial use cases for quantum computing. Three trends are identified: [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]. Yeah, you’ll have to click on the link for those, sorry.

Virtual Quokka

Here’s your chance to play with one of those Quokka thingies by Eigensystems. The sample code didn’t generate any errors; that’s a good start. I modified the OpenQASM a bit, and it still worked; even better. And, of course, if you play with it and you like it, I’m sure Prof. Chris Ferrie and his partners would be happy to sell you one.

The Quantum Dragon Podcast: Yuval Boger

The Quantum Dragon interviewed Yuval Boger, aka The Superposition Guy, aka QuEra Computing’s Chief Commercial Officer, on January 23, 2025. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 29, when it will be published, or simply subscribe below and Substack will email it to you.

The Earth is Flat!

Jac Novak of Quantum Formalism is back with “MEME O’Clock!” I’ve never seen or heard a Flat Earther rebuttal quite like this.

Grandma’s Recipe for Quantum Hype

Knowing author Mark McGuire, one look at the title had me preparing to add this link to this edition of this newsletter. It would be worthy of inclusion even without invoking grandma, so I’m awarding bonus points for both the title and the AI-generated image. This link should NOT require a Medium account.

Giggle Giggle

I try and fail to be funny, but “Qubit Confidential with Zulfi Alam at Microsoft | EP4,” hosted by Christopher Bishop, contains genuine laughter. This podcast is informative, sure, but maybe you’ll also enjoy a hearty chuckle along with the participants. I took notes, and I’m hoping to be funny at some point in the near future.

a breakthrough that led to the demolition of many other hopes for quantum machine learning

I will not squash my classmates’ hopes and dreams.

A new-and-improved Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), with Prof. Scott Aaronson’s seal of approval, is worth including in every newsletter… although not quite as much as the quote above. It reminds me of a writing assignment (the subtitle, I once inflicted upon myself in high school.

Quantum Noise Detector

Alan Ho and Prof. Michael Biercuk inspired the Resuscitated Quantum Bullshit Detector, but the original(?) has resurfaced on Bluesky. It’s back to reposting a simple “bullshit” or “not bullshit,” so The Quantum Dragon will continue to monitor for challenges, controversies, and debates under this new name from Dr. Bob Sutor.

Categories: The Quantum Dragon with IQT News

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The Cryogenic Quantum Dragon