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Sydney Constructing ‘Quantum Harbour City’ to Grow Quantum Research Hub

By IQT News posted 12 Mar 2019

(DigitalJournal) Sydney, Australia is constructing Quantum Harbour City for advanced computing. The new collaboration between two universities — UNSW and the University of Sydney – has been announced and will lead the effort. The aim is to build quantum computers in silicon and for developing a new focused research hub in the Australian city.
Different research teams are working together to make Sydney a leading research hub for quantum computing. This is being championed by Professor Andrew Dzurak, who is the Director of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (University of New South Wales) and a Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology.
In a statement, Professor Reilly notes that the research is being conducted in parallel with the commercialisation of the technology: “I have a position with Microsoft and Andrew leads a project with Silicon Quantum Computing company. By working together, we are showing strong academic collaboration alongside an emerging quantum economy”.

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