Inside Quantum Technology

Statement of United States and Finland on “Cooperation in Quantum Information Science and Technology”

(MirageNews) The Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Finland on the occasion of a U.S.-Finland meeting held April 5, 2022, on science and technology and released a  joint statement that IQT-News shares below:

Recognizing that science, technology, and innovation have enabled transformative capabilities across multiple sectors, from energy to health and communications to transportation, and that the foundation of this progress is the global research enterprise, and its constant creation of new knowledge, understanding, and insights;
Appreciating that Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) revolutionizes both our understanding of fundamental phenomena as well as the development of powerful computers, secure and rapid communication, and sensors with unprecedented precision, accuracy, and modalities;
Understanding that the emergence of such robust technologies depends on an intensive effort to expand theoretical and practical understandings of QIST and to develop new tools for characterization, validation, and verification purposes;
Acknowledging that international partnerships are key to combine the expertise, ingenuity, and creativity of our countries to expand our fundamental understanding of QIST and thereby accelerate the realization of new technologies for the benefit of humanity; and
Mindful of the terms of research and innovation programs in which both nations actively participate, and within which both advocate for international cooperation to be as open as possible;
We, signed below, intend to harness the spirit of science, technology, and innovation to pursue cooperation and the mutual respect it confers, and to promote QIST including but not limited to quantum computing, quantum networking, and quantum sensing, which underpins the development of society and industry.
We intend to advance this agenda by:

We confirm our mutual understanding that cooperation informed and enabled by this Statement will leverage, as appropriate, the Agreement Relating to Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Finland as an operational framework.
We intend to focus on cooperation in QIST as outlined in this vision for the mutual benefit of participating countries and continue to enhance scientific cooperation under our respective leaderships.

End text.

Sandra K. Helsel, Ph.D. has been researching and reporting on frontier technologies since 1990.  She has her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona.

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