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Saudi Researchers Tap into Quantum Computing to Design Fuel Efficient Airplanes

By IQT News posted 11 Jun 2021

(Mashable) Saudi Arabia’s researchers are working to use quantum computing to develop fuel efficient air transport.
The kingdom’s King Abdullah University has joined forces with American Quantum software startup Zapata, and the duo will use high speed data processing to design airplanes. Analysing how air flows over wings of an aircraft or the body of a car is currently a time consuming process, but an upgrade to futuristic computing capabilities promises to speed up the task.
The airline industry is looking for ways to increase productivity by burning less fuel. The emission cuts being adopted by every sector to tackle climate change, are also a factor behind the need to develop sustainable carriers.
With the world changing faster than ever, carmakers and aerospace firms can definitely use an extra thrust that’ll propel fuel efficiency in the aviation space.
Saudia Arabia faces competition from UAE which is not only building its own quantum computing machine, but has also developed a crypto library to create a cybersecurity fortress fit for quantum computers.

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