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Quromorphic Project Building Dedicated Neural Network Computer Using Quantum Technology

By IQT News posted 28 Jan 2019

(Phys.org) Michael Hartmann and colleagues hope to build the first dedicated neural network computer, using the latest “quantum” technology rather than AI software.
Their Quromorphic Project aims to build a computer processor that transfers data in the same way neurons work in the human brain. The project is being led by Professor Michael Hartmann from Heriot-Watt’s Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPaQS) who is working alongside researchers and scientists from ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Technical University Delft (Netherlands), University of the Basque Country (Spain), IBM Zurich (Switzerland) and the Volkswagen Group (Germany).
Professor Hartmann commented: “Given the major economic importance of machine learning, one can expect that quantum devices will quickly push aside existing artificial intelligence technology once it can be demonstrated that they are indeed more powerful in real world applications.

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