Quantum Xchange Names John N. Stewart, Former Senior Vice President and Chief Security and Trust Officer at Cisco to its Board of Directors

(PRNewswire) Quantum Xchange has announced that John N. Stewart has joined its board of directors. This announcement comes on the heels of the company’s initial close on $13.5 million in Series A financing and the appointment of new leadership to the roles of CEO, CFO and CTO.
Stewart brings 30 years of information technology and cybersecurity experience to his new board position. He spent nearly two decades with Cisco where he led its security and trust organization responsible for protecting the network hardware vendor’s public-and private-sector customers. There, he spearheaded Cisco Secure Development Lifecycle and Trustworthy Systems efforts across the company’s portfolio, and ensured its leadership in data protection and privacy, trust and assurance, and cybersecurity efforts with governments globally. He left Cisco in March 2020 to establish Talons Ventures, LLC to make a difference in the world.
“We are extremely happy that John has accepted this position,” said Eddy Zervigon, CEO of Quantum Xchange and fellow board member. “Having a highly regarded security and trust expert and global thought leader on our board is a testament to the company, our superior product offerings, and our mission to protect the world’s data in motion now – in the Information Age – and in the fast-approaching Quantum Age of computing. We look forward to working closely with John for many years to come as partners in preserving our digital world.”
Stewart is the fourth member of the Quantum Xchange board of directors. He joins CEO Eddy Zervigon, Founding CEO Hal Chapel, and Rick Golden retired Senior Executive at Accenture turned private investor. To round out the board and further advance the company’s mission, strategic positioning, and corporate governance, Quantum Xchange is currently recruiting for the position of lead director.