Inside Quantum Technology

Quantum Tech Pod Episode 9: Patty Lee, Honeywell Quantum Solutions Chief Scientist

(IQT.QuantumTechPod) Host Chris Bishop, today interviews Patty Lee, Honeywell Quantum Solutions Chief Scientist.
Dr. Lee leads the technology roadmap efforts at Honeywell Quantum Solutions to scale up trapped ion quantum computers. She received her PhD in physics from University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she developed phase control techniques for quantum logic gates in trapped ions. Prior to joining Honeywell, she worked as an experimental physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), US Army Research Laboratory (ARL), and Lockheed Martin. While at NIST she and her colleagues implemented the first entangling gate on ultracold atomic qubits in an optical lattice, and her research at ARL used cold atoms as quantum memory for a quantum network. Since joining Honeywell in 2016, her work has focused on the quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) architecture for trapped ion quantum computers.
IQT hopes that our conversation with Patty Lee, Honeywell Quantum Solutions Chief Scientist will make this an interesting, informative and worthwhile talk for you.

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