Inside Quantum Technology

What Does Quantum Computing Mean for Higher Education

( After an introduction to quantum computing’s advances, this article discusses in broad strokes what quantum computing means for higher education over the next decade. Through processing the huge amount of data that colleges are collecting on students, educations may be able to develop truly personalized learning that will power a new era in individual learning, knowledge and achievement. We will be able to identify prospective student matches with our institutions and programs with a quality that never before achieves. Universities will be able to predict job market growth and demand for skilled and knowledgeable workers with precision. And, with growth at the rate of Neven’s law, there will be so much more every month that passes.
It is beginning today. The year 2020 will see significant advances, including expanded access to quantum computing power in milliseconds on the cloud. Quantum computers for the foreseeable future will do the heavy lifting of processing, but then they will turn the job over to our more pedestrian computers to refine, synthesize and implement. The 2020s will be decade of quantum computing.

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