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Quantum Computing: A New Solution for Supply Chain and Logistics Optimization

By IQT News posted 05 Aug 2021

(MHL.News) World events ranging from the Suez Canal blockage to the global COVID-19 pandemic have shown how susceptible our supply chain management and logistics systems are to changes in consumer and business demand, raw materials availability, shipping, and distribution. IQT-NEWS has summarized here an extensive discussion of the benefits of quantum computing across the international supply chain.  The original discussion well worth the time to read.
Today’s classical computers can hit a wall amidst growing volumes of data and unpredictable disruptions. Supply chain and logistics managers must constantly balance many, sometimes-conflicting variables to achieve business goals (e.g., flush inventories are good for fulfilling orders and satisfying customers, but the cost can hurt the bottom line). Running lean and mean requires optimizing supply chain and outbound logistics parameters and balancing them against ever-changing customer demand.
The pandemic-driven shift in e-commerce consumer purchasing creating a last-mile delivery headache for logistics planners. The staggering 154% compound annual growth in same-day delivery points to the importance of optimizing supply chain management logistics.
Quantum computers hold so much promise: they can process these kinds of large, extremely complex problems. More simply, quantum computers simulate our real-world. They process data and relationships in three dimensions.
While the full capabilities of quantum computers are years away, emerging software solutions aim to bridge classical and quantum computing worlds using quantum-ready techniques that produce better results for constrained optimization, using larger data sets on classical computers and eventually for quantum systems.

How Manufacturing Supply Chains Can Benefit from Quantum Computing:
Transportation efficiency
Warehouse management and distribution services
Inbound logistics

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