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QCI Achieves Best-in-Class Performance with its Mukai Quantum-Ready Application Platform

By IQT News posted 04 Jun 2020

(GlobeNewsWire) Quantum Computing Inc. reported in a newly released scientific paper that QCI qbsolv™, a component of its Mukai™ software execution platform for quantum computers, has delivered on its promise of immediate performance benefits from quantum-ready methods running on classical computers.
These performance benefits eliminate one of the greatest obstacles to the development and adoption of quantum-ready applications, since up until now they have been slower than traditional methods running classically. The results show that Mukai provides better results than currently used software to solve complex optimization problems faced by nearly every major company and government agency worldwide.
While future quantum computers are expected to deliver even greater performance benefits, Mukai delivers today the best-known quality of results, time-to-solution, and diversity of solutions in a commercially available service. This superior capability enables business and government organizations to become quantum-ready today and realize immediate benefits from improved performance.
The paper, QCI Qbsolv Delivers Strong Classical Performance for Quantum-Ready Formulation, describes the full results and discusses their impact, and is available at arxiv.org/abs/2005.11294.
“These results demonstrate that Mukai-powered applications can exploit quantum computing concepts to solve real-world problems effectively using classical computers,” noted QCI CTO, Mike Booth. “More importantly, the quality, speed, and diversity of solutions offered by Mukai means government and corporate organizations can use Mukai to adopt quantum-ready approaches today without sacrificing performance. Mukai is also hardware-agnostic, enabling adopters to exploit whichever hardware delivers the quantum advantage. We’re confident that leading companies can leverage Mukai today to achieve a competitive advantage.”
“To be sure, we are very early in the quantum computing and software era,” continued Booth. “Just as the vectorizing compilers for Cray’s processors improved radically over time, we are planning to introduce further performance improvements to Mukai over the coming months. Some of these advancements will benefit application performance using classical computers as well as hybrid quantum-classical scenarios, but all will be essential to delivering the quantum advantage. We expect Mukai to play an integral role in the quantum computing landscape by enabling organizations to tap into quantum-inspired insights today to better answer their high-value problems.”

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