Inside Quantum Technology

Problems Faced by the Quantum AI Industry Before Use in the Enterprise

(InfoWorld) Quantum computing’s potential to revolutionize AI depends on growth of a developer ecosystem in which suitable tools, skills, and platforms are in abundance. To be considered ready for enterprise production deployment, the quantum AI industry would have to, at the very least, reach the following key milestones:
• Find a compelling application for which quantum computing has a clear advantage over classical approaches to building and training AI.
• Converge on a widely adopted open source framework for building, training, and deploying quantum AI.
• Build a substantial, skilled developer ecosystem of quantum AI applications.

These milestones are all still at least a few years in the future. An analysis of the quantum AI industry’s maturity at the present time indicates these problems:
Lack of a compelling AI application for which quantum computing has a clear advantage
Lack of a widely adopted open source modeling and training framework
Lack of a substantial and skilled developer ecosystem

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