Inside Quantum Technology

NXP says it’s time for the automotive industry to shift PQC in high gear

Potential security risk areas for software-defined vehicles. (Source: NXP)

Potential security attack vectors for software-defined vehicles. (Source: NXP)

Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) present a prime use case for post-quantum cryptography (PQC), according to officials at NXP Semiconductors. This is why the company became deeply involved at an early stage with the effort to draft PQC algorithm standards and why NXP is working hard to incorporate PQC into its existing products for the automotive market, particularly its S32G Vehicle Network Processors. Ultimately, SDVs could present a use case example for how to implement PQC into deeply embedded systems with limited memory and other resources and the factors and requirements that must be taken into consideration in doing so.

Image: Potential security risk areas for software-defined vehicles. (Source: NXP)

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