Inside Quantum Technology

New Generation Innovators Call for EDA Industry to Start Developing Now for Quantum Computing

(EETimes) IoT, AI and Quantum Computing intersect where data is growing exponentially. A panel of under-40 innovators who are working on next-generation technologies recently discussed the dawn of a new era in design automation. They called upon the electronic design automation (EDA) industry for more sophisticated tools to help them advance the Internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and even quantum computing.
New-generation researchers also expect EDA tool vendors to jump into quantum computing — not in a few years, but today. Robert Wille, a professor at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, said, “Everybody knows about Moore’s Law and design gaps we’ve experienced in decades with conventional computing technology.” Despite the widespread belief that the era of quantum computing is still far away, Wille stressed: “It makes absolutely sense for the design automation industry to start developing efficient and sophisticated EDA tools for Quantum Computing — right now.”
Although the quantum computer’s big goal of factorization is still far away, “We see today a variety of applications where [the use of] quantum computer may be beneficial,” said Wille.

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