Inside Quantum Technology

ISARA Opens European Office

(Isara) ISARA Corporation, a leading provider of quantum-safe and crypto-agile security, has opened a European office to collaborate with partners and customers modernizing cryptographic defenses to become more flexible and resistant to emerging threats.
Based in London, Managing Director for Europe, Middle East and Asia, Sinisha Patkovic will work with a range of European manufacturers – from automakers to chipset vendors – and governments preparing for the advent of practical quantum computers. Quantum computers operate differently than classical computers, with vastly more processing power to solve difficult problems – including traditionally secure encryption algorithms.
ISARA works with government and OEMs globally to provide the expertise and tools – such as ISARA Radiate™ Quantum-safe Toolkit and ISARA Catalyst™ Agile Digital Certificate Technology – that enable customers and partners to begin a path toward quantum-safe security.

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