Inside Quantum Technology

IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim Update:AbaQus Co-Founder and CEO David Isaac is a 2024 Speaker

David Isaac, Co-Founder and CEO of AbaQus is a 2024 IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim speaker for the June event

David Isaac, Co-Founder and CEO of AbaQus is a 2024 IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim speaker for the June event

David Isaac, Co-founder and CEO of AbaQus Computing, will be a featured speaker at the upcoming IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim conference. Over his 20-year career in the technology sector, David has cultivated extensive experience in sales, marketing, and strategic leadership. This experience is informed by a solid educational background with a BBA degree and enriched by a vast international business network. His entrepreneurial spirit has led him to found several ventures, with AbaQus Computing being his latest initiative.

AbaQus Computing is a pioneering firm that integrates the practical applications of quantum computing with financial services, driving innovation across the industry. Under David’s leadership, AbaQus has become a key player in utilizing the synergistic potentials of quantum computing and artificial intelligence to solve complex problems that traditional computing approaches cannot handle effectively. This focus ensures that AbaQus clients are consistently at the cutting edge of the financial sector.

In addition to his role at AbaQus, David founded Quantum News, a respected platform offering rigorous analysis of quantum technologies. Quantum News serves the business and investor communities, highlighting David’s commitment to enhancing understanding and adoption of quantum technology across industries.

At the conference, David will share insights into how quantum computing can transform financial services and other industries, discussing the challenges and opportunities this technology presents, using his work at AbaQus as an example. His talk is anticipated to be a valuable contribution to the dialogue on the future of technology in business.

IQT Vancouver · Pacific Rim 2024: Quantum Computing, Communications, and Security—Pathways to Real-World Solutions.

With Vancouver as North America’s gateway to the Pacific Rim, IQT and the Quantum Algorithms Institute are bringing together partners across North America and Asia to showcase the state of quantum computing, communications, and security. This international conference moves beyond the quantum hype to profile quantum computing, communications technologies, and quantum expertise in real-world settings. Sessions will highlight practical applications of quantum algorithms and networking in pharmaceuticals, transportation, finance, and more industries. Attendees will include industry and government executives, end-users, and investors who will learn about the latest developments in these technologies, pathways for companies to get ready for quantum solutions, and ethics and policy considerations in this fast-growing industry.

Register for IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim 2024 here. 

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