IQT-NYC Welcomes XMA Corporation-Omni Spectra® to Exhibit Hall

(IQT-NYC) The Inside Quantum Technology-New York City event welcomes XMA Corporation-Omni Spectra® to the exhibit Hall April 2-3, 2020. XMA joins Diamond Sponsor IBM, QuTech, Q-CTRL, VTT, Harrisburg University, and Zurich Instruments. XMA serves the RF and Microwave industry; its markets include all of the tier 1 telecommunication network providers, all of the top defense and aerospace contractors, high-end test & measurement equipment, and medical equipment manufacturers.
(IQT-NYC) is a unique must-attend event that offers comprehensive insights into the commercial future of all areas of quantum technology, presenting both opportunities available today and future applications for businesses and government. The event is April 2-3. Register here before January 16 and save $500.
There are numerous conferences on the technical aspects of quantum technology, this continuing series is the first to focus on profits and losses as quantum technology becomes commercialized. Inside Quantum Technology New York City will be jointly organized by U.S. originator 3DR Holdings and Netherlands-based QuTech, with the aim to open up communities and opportunities on both sides of the Atlantic.
Sponsorships for IQT-NYC are available to purchase by phone at (917) 403-6300 or through the contact form.