Inside Quantum Technology

IQT Europe Online Welcomes QunaSys to Exhibit Hall October 26-30, 2020

(IQT.Europe) Inside Quantum Technology-Europe Online welcomes QunaSys to the online exhibit Hall October 26-30, 2020. QunaSys was established to bring out quantum physics to the front stage and realize the technology that couldn’t be achieved with conventional technology by actively taking advantage of quantum mechanics. Research and development of quantum computer hardware are advancing rapidly, and quantum computer is expected to be utilized in several fields represented by chemical simulation, machine learning and optimization in the near future. In order to realize this, we should deeply understand advantage of quantum computer and brings out its maximum potential based on expertise on quantum mechanics and quantum information theory. QunaSys is here with experts from the forefront of related fields and ready to bring innovation with high professionality and engineering skills.

NOTE: The event will provide presentations by exhibitors as well as numerous opportunities to network with fellow attendees and to have one-on-one discussions with exhibitors. Exhibitors will be presented live and attendees will be able to conduct live one-to-one meetings.

Register for IQT Europe Here

About the Event:

This is Inside Quantum Technology’s fourth conference on the commercialization of quantum technology. Quantum technology has come a long way since we held the first ever quantum technology conference almost two years ago in Boston and our first European quantum technology conference in The Hague:

Six Reasons for Attending:

Register for IQT Europe Here

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