Inside Quantum Technology

IBM Open Science Prize to Award $50,000 to Each Solution to Two Cutting Edge Problems at Boundary of Quantum Hardware & Software

(IBM.QuantumRewards) IBM’s Quantum Awards has announced an Open Science Price. Contestants must design an open source solution to two of the most interesting challenges we face building today’s quantum computers. The contest is November 16-April 16.

IBM’s Open Science Prize will award $50,000 each to the best solutions to two difficult, cutting edge problems that sit at the boundary of quantum hardware and software.  Register here.

1) Graph State Challenge
The first problem asks to improve the fidelity of graph states created on the IBM Quantum system `ibmq_casablanca` by reducing the infidelity from 20% to 10%, with error bars that are better than 2% using benchmarking techniques described in the Open Science Prize notebook.

2) SWAP Gate Challenge
The second problem asks researchers to improve the fidelity of the SWAP gate between the pair of qubits with the best two-qubit gate fidelity on the IBM Quantum system ‘ibmq_casablanca’ by reducing the infidelity from 2% to 1% with error bars equal to or better than 0.08% using benchmarking techniques described in the Open Science Prize notebook.

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