Inside Quantum Technology

Fermilab Performing Experiments Using Quantum Apparatuses

( Fermilab National Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois is not in the process of building a quantum computer, but rather performing physics experiments using different quantum apparatuses to lay the groundwork for the future. Fermilab is run by the U.S. Department of Energy, specializing in high-energy particle physics. As part of a national initiative, federal funding has fueled research into quantum computing as part of the lab’s Quantum Science Program.
Fermilab Scientists Use Quantum Apparatuses on Optimization Problems
After the recent headlines, Fermilab’s Commputer Scientist Jim Kowalkowski was surprised to receive calls from people who never inquire about science.
Steve Mrenna is a particle physicist at Fermilab who sees quantum computing research as an exciting new opportunity. He believes the limitations of classical computers are a hindrance to solving the more difficult and fascinating problems.
“The power of our lab is the ability to bring together people of different skill sets to solve difficult problems of common interests.” “What we are currently doing is optimization problems,” said Mrenna. “What’s the best way to do something? What’s the minimum energy you would produce by putting things together? Quantum computers give the hope you can solve these problems that appear impossible with classical computers.

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