Inside Quantum Technology

How to Develop the Quantum Workforce of the Future

( There’s a shortage of quantum computing talent. A trained, well-rounded quantum workforce is key to realizing the full practical value of quantum computing. And yet, pundits describe time and again the difficulty in recruiting talent. There isn’t a direct pipeline from universities, and there’s fierce competition for the limited workforce that is available. Currently, most quantum scientists are trained as generalists, despite the highly specialized tasks they perform on the job, such as designing quantum computer shielding systems or building quantum processors.
Advanced degrees in physics, quantum information and computer science are in high demand. As investment, adoption and attention around quantum computing grow, competition is only intensifying. Stakeholders of all stripes – governments, universities and private companies – have to step up by investing in the budding quantum workforce and encouraging their peers to do the same. We’re entering an increasingly specialized economy, particularly in the quantum industry, and that makes identifying and developing talent tough.
Author Jeremy Hilton, is D-Wave’s Senior Vice President of Systems, offers several solutions:
*Start With STEM Education
*Expand Access: Equip Developers To Build
*Expand Access: Equip Developers To Build

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