Inside Quantum Technology

Cambridge Quantum Computing Releases tket v0.7 with Open Access to All Python Users

(HPC.Wire) Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) today announced the latest version of tket (pronounced “ticket”), its high performance quantum software development kit (SDK), with all licence restrictions removed for use of tket’s Python module (also known as “pytket”).
Python is an open-source, general-purpose coding language predominate in quantum computing programming and software development. With this latest release, any Python user with access to a quantum computer can deploy the tket SDK in any context, commercial or otherwise, and benefit from its capabilities.
Version 0.7 also now enables quantum circuit execution on Microsoft Azure Quantum (public preview version), as well as extends classical control of quantum operations on ion trap systems from Honeywell Quantum Solutions.
“By providing free access to our premier tket SDK to the legions of Python users across the world, we hope to accelerate the development of quantum computing research and applications across multiple industry sectors,” said Mehdi Bozzo-Rey, Head of Business Development, Cambridge Quantum Computing. “By increasing the number of tket-compatible cloud-based quantum computing platforms as well, we’ve made it easier for virtually any programmer to explore developing quantum algorithms and software.”
Originally developed and continuously updated by CQC’s team of quantum computing scientists, tket enables researchers, algorithm designers and software developers to build and execute quantum circuits that produce the best results on the most advanced quantum devices available. tket translates machine-independent algorithms into executable circuits, optimizing the physical qubit layout while reducing the number of required quantum gates.

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