Inside Quantum Technology

Arqit Releases First Version of QuantumCloud 1.0; Allows Customers to Secure Devices Globally

(HelpNetSecurity) Arqit has released the first version of its service, QuantumCloud 1.0. This Platform‑as‑a‑Service software enables customers to secure the communications channels and data of any cloud, edge or end-point device.
The service combines transformational and unique advances in both quantum and classical cryptography.
The release of QuantumCloud 1.0 allows customers to secure devices globally by providing a strong device authentication capability, over which is layered the agreement of symmetric keys between authenticated and authorised devices. Importantly, since there are no asymmetric cryptographic primitives used within the trustless key agreement protocol, the keys can be regarded as safe against future attack using Shor’s algorithm running on a quantum computer.
A range of other features will be added in future quarters, culminating in the launch of Arqit’s proprietary quantum satellites, which is targeted for 2023 and will replace terrestrial systems as the root source of randomness in QuantumCloud, adding the final element of permanent security to the end‑to‑end system.
The service was successfully tested with customers in Q2, and QuantumCloud SDKs are now being shipped to a wider range of customers for testing and integration into live environments.

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