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Archer Exploration Limited Releases its Quantum Technology 12CQ Presentation

By IQT News posted 30 May 2019

(KalkineMedia) Archer Exploration Limited (ASX: AXE), has released its Quantum Technology 12CQ Presentation.
Archer states in his document that 12CQ is the first quantum technology project of the company that could make quantum computing possible to operate the current consumer electronic devices. Most of the quantum computers work at sub-zero temperatures, which is not very practical. Others utilize light or special materials in order to overcome the temperature related challenges and are tough to integrate into modern electronics. However, Archer’s 12CQ chip gives a potential answer to unite these above-mentioned challenges.
AXE forecasts this chip would provide world-record room-temperature qubit stability, as the company is using the only reported conducting material, which is capable of stable and robust quantum information processing at room temperature. To develop current qubit chip, cryogenic temperatures, well-defined crystals, atomic manipulation, or the use of metals will not be required. This chip will form the most important component of a universal quantum computer that will function under practical conditions.
he Globally registered patents are exclusively licensed by the University of Sydney to the company. In April 2019, April 2019, the company signed Access Agreements to build the 12CQ processor prototypes at the Sydney Nanoscience hub.

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