Archer Announces Progress Towards Single Qubit Quantum Measurements

(MirageNews) Archer Materials Limited (“Archer”, the “Company”, “ASX:AXE”) has updated shareholders on the development of its 12CQ technology that aims to build a quantum computing qubit processor (“chip”).
Highlights of update:
- Archer is on-track performing quantum measurements required to build an operational room-temperature qubit processor (“chip”) prototype.
- Archer joins the Sydney Knowledge Hub to strategically engage with researchers in the Australian quantum computing economy.
- Collaboration Agreement with UNSW Sydney now includes access to world-class infrastructure for quantum materials characterisation.
- Archer holds an exclusive international licence to patents protecting the chip technology.
The Company uses a unique carbon-based qubit material that has the potential to enable chip operation at room-temperature and integration onboard modern electronic devices (see Quantum Technology & Archer’s 12CQ Advantage).
Archer is performing various quantum measurements on the chip qubit components at the University of Sydney (“University”), and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (“EPFL”) in Switzerland (ASX Announcement 28 Jan 2020), and will now expand to conduct specialised, state-of-the-art quantum measurements at the University of New South Wales (“UNSW Sydney”).