(Forbes.com) Adrian Bridgwater begins by setting the context and providing an overview of corporate research divisions. He explains that corporate research “. . . is a way of working with experimental technologies in both a ‘pure’ and ‘applied’ (as in mathematics, as in the real world) sense of development. Some research projects will get as far as the prototype phase and go no further, some will progress forward into Proof of Concept (PoC) designs and enter full production… and some may never see the light of day.”
Chinese multinational e-commerce and Internet company Alibaba is of course big and broad enough to operate this same type of R&D operation. The company’s Alibaba DAMO Academy is so named to denote its mission focus on Discovery, Adventure, Momentum & Outlook. Bridgwater discusses Alibaba’s interest overall in tech areas such as AI and quantum.
IQT’s focus is on Alibaba’s quantum efforts. Alibaba DAMO thinks that in the race to quantum computing and the creation of the superconducting circuits that will make it happen, 2020 will see this field receive increasing investment, which will come with increasing competition.
“The field is also expected to experience a speed-up in industrialization and the gradual formation of an ecosystem. In the coming years, the next milestones will be the realization of fault-tolerant quantum computing and the demonstration of quantum advantages in real-world problems. Either is of a great challenge given the present knowledge. Quantum computing is entering a critical period,” writes the Alibaba DAMO team.
Alibaba’s DAMO Academy Believes ‘Quantum Computing Entering a Critical Period’