AI & Quantum Algorithms Together Can Solve Nuanced & Complex Issues

(VentureBeat) The hybrid study of quantum computers and artificial intelligence, or quantum machine learning, is still in its very early stages. Many of the machine learning algorithms are still theoretical and require large-scale quantum computers to be tested. Still, the marriage between the two has already proven fruitful.
John Kelly III, IBM’s senior VP of cognitive solutions and research, said in a recent release announcing a joint MIT/Watson AI Lab that “Artificial intelligence is unable, at present, to reach its full potential. In order for AI to become truly deep and robust, it will have to have the superpowered hardware to process its complex software. Quantum algorithms could solve problems within AI and vice versa. In addition, quantum theory could help develop more robust AI and help researchers formulate better algorithms. With this technology, we could see groundbreaking research in virtually all areas of study to solve incredibly nuanced and complex issues.
This is an excellent article with numerous links to additional sources such as IEEE, InfoWorld, etc. Worth all the click-throughs.